Sunday, January 23, 2011

Jimpy came to visit!

Jimpy came to visit this weekend and we had lots of fun!

Friday, January 21, 2011

4 teeth

Lochlan now has 4 teeth! In this photo he shows off 3 of the 4.

Lochlan's going to be a big brother!

It is time to let everyone know that Lochlan is going to be a big brother in July! Mummy and Daddy are thrilled and feel very blessed.

Monday, January 17, 2011


Daddy & Lochlan watched the Patriots lose last night!
Teeth 3 & 4 finally cut through during the night, Mummy and Daddy ended up having very little sleep... hopefully tonight will be better!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Lochlan's 1st Christmas

We celebrated Lochlan's first Christmas and it was wonderful! We all had so much fun.
Lochlan was spoiled rotten and received so many wonderful gifts from everybody. The first picture is of the John Deere loader that Grandmum and Gampy bought Lochlan. The second picture is of Daddy & Lochlan at Christmas supper and the third picture is of Daddy & Lochlan on Christmas eve at our dinner before Church.

Lochlan @ 7 Months

On December 13th Lochlan turned 7 months old, he celebrated this achievement by standing up in his playpen and showing off his 2 bottom teeth!

The Accident

It has been a while since we've posted to the blog as our exchange student George, Alexie and Penny were involved in a very serious car accident on December 8th. All 3 are doing amazingly now and we are very thankful that miracles do happen.
This picture is of George and Mackenzie while still in the hospital.

Tyson's Christmas Concert

Lochlan went to his first Christmas concert early in December. It was Tyson's school Christmas concert and he was such a good boy!