Saturday, May 28, 2011

12 Month Check Up

I had my 12 month check up yesterday and had to get 4 needles. The needles weren't fun, but I was a good boy and did really well. I was 26lbs, 5 3/4ozs and 30.5" long. Today I'm going to swimming lessons with Daddy!

Friday, May 27, 2011

O'Dell Park

On May 25th the weather was finally nice enough to wear shorts and a t-shirt and go play at the park. I played on the swings and LOVED them! Daddy also took me for a wagon ride, it was lots of fun. We brought Delancey too and he had lots of fun.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My 1st PEI Birthday Party!

This past weekend was my 1st birthday and we went to PEI. I had a PEI 1st Birthday Party with all of my friends and family. I had lots of fun. This picture is of Mummy bringing me my cupcake!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Lochlan's 1st NB Birthday Party

On Saturday, May 7th I had my very first birthday party. Mummy and Daddy are having two parties for me as one of them was in New Brunswick for all my NB friends and the other one will be in PEI on May 14th for all my PEI friends and family. I was spoiled rotten and had lots of fun. I got lots of new toys and clothes for the summer. Grandmum & Gampy surprised me and came back to NB (after Grandmum just left on Friday) for my party!!! I also ate my very first cupcake and LOVED it! Mummy and Daddy didn't think that I would even want to try it, but I ate the entire cupcake!