Monday, September 20, 2010

September 15-17th, 2010

Grandmum came from PEI to visit us for a couple of days. We had lots of fun and Grandmum saw how big I am getting. On the 16th I had my 4 month needles, they went much better than the last time and I wasn't in as much pain afterwards. I am now 16lbs, 6 1/4 ozs and 27" long.
On Friday, September 17th Penny and Matt came to visit us and get some practice at parenting. I found out that I'm not only going to get one new playmate, but I'm going to get two! Mummy and Daddy are excited for Penny and Matt to have their twins in April.
Uncle George also came for a visit on September 17th and had supper with us.

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